Monday, January 17, 2005


We are born to this life
In smiles and summers
Everything is simple
And easy.

We grow and learn things
And life gets confusing
Was it ever really
That easy?

We live not knowing
The things that once seemed
To be common everyday

We age through the winters
Of cold despiration
The dying embers
Of light.

We find other people
Who still have their fires
A vibrancy keeping us

And then at the ending
Life is simple
With grieving and tears
Our fires go out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krystn, that poem is just ohmigoshtis. It makes me think of my life, and how beautiful it is. Like Achilles in the movie Troy "The gods envy us because we are mortal. Every moment could be our last and that makes everything all the more beautiful." I don't know if that is what you think but I can't help it. I hope it's ok. You are very brave to publish your thoughts and feelings. We love ya Krystn, do not forget the dork in you!

8:43 PM  

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