Monday, December 01, 2008


I value the sublime.
Dreamlike beauty, that which rests
And is vibrant.
It is found in the moments,
Nearly all.
Loving the people around me.
Those who are thoughtful,
Temporal, purposeful, fluid.
I could have a long bit about honesty and trust.
There is more than meets the eye in so many people.
Do they lie? Or is it that the beholder is blind?
No, it is that the beholder is shut off.
Cannot see, will not see, the beauty in herself or others.
Such a one will never understand.
Life is full of beauty and excellence beyond telling.
People like the scholar, the milk, the flower and the ring.
They truly love the temporal, the action, the inner self of life.
What gives a person worth?
Many would say that it is in being.
Some would say it is self-determined, depending on how they treat others.
Some would say that it is how they spend their time or money.
Some say it is attitude.
I believe that the thing that gives a person worth is the fire that drives them.
There is a flame inside all of us that is what gives us life, motivation, bringing vibrancy to our lives, our work, our families, our destiny.
This flame must be shared or it will be stifled.
Sometimes it requires the gasolene of inspiration or the substantial fuel of a long intellectual conversation or debate.
I speak freely now. This is not poetry. This is what I see.
I see people with waning flames behind their eyes.
Exhausted, burned out.
I want to alight them once more.
A cool wind of rest to fan the flames.

I do not know.


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