Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Fatal Glass of Beer

There was once a poor boy
And he left his country home
And he came to the city to look for work

He promised his ma and pa
He would lead a civilized life
And always shun the fatal curse of drink

Once in the city
He got a situation in a quarry
And there he made the acquaintance of some college students

He little thought they were demons
For they wore the best of clothes
But the clothes do not always make the gentleman

They tempted him to drink
And they said he was a cow'rd
And at last he took the fatal glass of beer

When he'd found what he'd done
He dashed the glass upon the floor
And he staggered through the door with delerium tremens

Once upon the sidewalk
He met a Salvation Army girl
And wickedly he broke her tambourine

All she said was, "Heaven bless you"
And placed a mark upon his brow
With a kick she'd learned before she had been saved

Now, as a moral to young men
Who come down to the city
Don't go 'round breaking people's tambourines.

-W.C. Feilds in "The Fatal Glass of Beer"


Blogger Robert said...

your blog is pretty cool... If your interested check out mine. Its

7:56 PM  
Blogger dyingember said...

Honestly, Robert, I think your blog is kind of creepy. My poem was from "The Fatal Glass of Beer" a sketch by W.C. Fields and I had hoped that any comments I would get would lead me to a fellow W.C. Fields fan. But obviously I was wrong. I am so disappointed in you that I thought of deleting your comment, but then I thought it better to leave it up as a warning for other hoodlums. I hope you and THEY have learned their lesson.

2:30 AM  

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