I didn't know
I didn't know, how could I have known
That happenings would this way happen
How could I have known you would change?
Or I? My foundation shifted.
I didn't know, how could I have known
That you would weep this way
Silently in the night in your pillow
Hurting and alone, I feel it, I know.
I didn't know when I once watched you,
Following, wondering, wishing for you
I watched you from afar
I didn't know the kind of heart
Or the kind of mind you had inside you.
I didn't know how easy you could break
How easy I could break
I didn't know how your past haunted you
And cut you in the deepest way.
And cut you in the deepest way.
I didn't know, how could I know?
I didn't know that you would lash out
And hurt my deep, inner, opened self
In every way but bruising.
I didn't know that we'd travel through the pain of that
Into forgiveness because of our love.
They didn't understand, my friends
My brothers, my dear ones and family
How we could love one another and fight so much.
I remember that journey we took and the way...
We forgave each other. We needed each other.
We explored each other. We hurt each other.
Between the bleeding and the failing I hid from my pain.
I hid my pain deep within myself so that I could tell myself it was gone.
Every time it opened, I had to run.
Running around the block, sometimes
It would occur to me that something was horribly wrong.
I didn't know what it was.
How could I know what it was?
Intangible, nebulous, clouded...
I thought I knew what love was.
I thought I knew that it was utter devotion in the face of anything.
I thought I knew that it was a long and sometimes painful journey...
But love is not pain.
Love is a gift, a gift given from an eager giver.
I know this now.
It never has anything to do with hurting, only healing.
And while the healing sometimes hurts, it is wholesome.
And wholesomely I love him.
Wholesomely I know the gift he eagerly gives me is his heart.
No strings, no lines, no lies, no betrayal.
I didn't know how pure a thing could be.
So be angry if you must. Hurt and tend your heartwounds.
I am tending mine.
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