Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It was a spiritual battlefeild
I was infuriated.
My lips whispered desperate prayers.
The prayers did their damage,
They damaged my Enemy.
I fought feircely for you.
I was overcome, surrounded by Evil.
The leader came.
He took all of my freedom.
He took all of my joy.
He took all that I delight in
And twisted it into shame.
Then the Evil one took me far away from all that I knew.
Even if I could somehow get away, I would be lost.
But the Holy One came,
The Son of the Father,
Jesus Christ.
He found me.
He was dressed in white,
He carried a staff that was also a spear.
The Evil one took the form of a wild animal.
The wild animal could move faster than eyes could see.
They fought. He could not even touch the Holy one,
So he turned on the captives.
He decimated us, began to tear us to bits,
Until the King said,
He said this in a loud voice.
He put down his spear and stood defenseless
Before the animal.
He instructed his messenger to take us to safety.
He died while I was freed.
We arrived at my Father's house.
The Holy One entered the room.
He was healing too.
"How did you escape?" I asked
"I didn't have to," He said. "He got tired after a while.
He could not destroy me, I am the Son of God!"
I protested: "But he tore you into peices!
You were unarmed. You died."
And he smiled and said:
"Yes. I died because I was a man.
But I lived because I am God.
And you lived because I am in you,
Living in you."


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